Is the soul doer of the action as per Bhagavad Gita?

Actually the soul doesn’t bear any karmic reaction, it’s the ahankara or false identification with the body which bears the impressions. The soul remains always uncontaminated by matter, but because we identify with the false ego we experience what happens to the false ego. Similar to a parent suffering when their child suffers.

The living entity desires and then the three modes of nature take it from there. We are a tiny particle of spirit floating in the five life airs in the region of the heart. We cannot manipulate matter, but we can desire.

According to our desires material nature acts. Thus we are responsible for the activities carried out by material nature. Sometimes the desire is sanctioned and sometimes not. This demonstrates that is not us who are the sole doers. We are just a part of what happens.

When the leader of a country declares war, even though he doesn’t do any fighting, bombing or killing himself, he is responsible for what happens because he has set the chain of events in motion which the military carries out. Likewise it is our desires which set the chain of events that material nature carries out, into motion.

We, as souls, can break free from all reactions by acting as spirit souls eternal servants of Krishna, and not our temporary material body.


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