If Krishna was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, why did he have a weak spot on the toe?

Krishna is not an incarnation of Vishnu according to Gaudiya Vaishnava theology, He is the origin of Vishnu and He doesn’t have a weak spot on the toe. (Not even on His heel). His only weakness is His love for His pure devotees. When He appears on the Earth, He does so a little bit like a human being although He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He acts like a human and has fun with His devotees.

When it’s time to leave, He leaves a bit like a human being, so that those who want to think He is a human being, can do so and not be bothered by thoughts of God. Therefore like an actor, He acts out dying by being shot in the foot, but it’s just an act, to conclude His appearance on the Earth.

Devotees know what is going on, but the foolish think that Krishna is a human being and dies because His form is like a human’s form. Actually, it’s the other way round, our form is like Krishna’s form.

Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be. Bg 9.11

Why was Krishna shot by a hunter?

It is said that Jara the hunter, was the reincarnation of Sugriva's brother Vali, who had been killed from behind by Rama, so Jara was killing Krishna the way Rama had killed Vali. Others say that in his previous birth Jara was Vali’s son Angadh. Another account describes Jara as Bhrgu Muni.

Krsna smiled at Jara, who in a previous birth had been the brahmana Bhrgu Muni. For the offence of kicking Krsna's chest, Bhrgu Muni was cursed by Laksmi-devi to become a sinful hunter. "O Jara!" Krsna replied. "Do not fear! You are only an instrument in my pastimes. You have seen and touched me, and thus you are now free of all sin. Now go to the abode of the pious and fear not."

Krsna Sangati: Epilogue: Krsna's Earthly Pastimes Come to an End


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